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bits, bytes & other nibbles
Backup 101: What is a data backup plan?
Without having a proper backup plan in place, you're setting your business up for failure. For a small company, you might be thinking...
Testing, Testing...1, 2, 3
Remember in elementary school, in the middle of math class when the fire alarm would go off? For a split second your heart would skip a...
Need a safe place to save your backups off-site?
Use DATASTOR Shield seamless cloud storage integration Recovery of your valuable data is what it’s all about, and storing backups locally...
Creating a service account with restricted permissions
A best practice for your DATASTOR software installation and configuration is to run tasks with a service account. In a domain...
Data Loss: A Major Cost to Business
It’s a risk that many businesses, especially small ones, don’t think about regularly - and that can be a costly mistake. Data loss forces...
Getting Started with DATASTOR
Getting started with DATASTOR is easy. Here, we will provide links to resources that will cover the basics to get you started. As is...
Checkup and Export Settings
With backup plans running on a scheduled basis, a couple useful features to configure are the Checkup Report and Export...
Check the Integrity of Your Backups with Store Verify Tasks
Heading up support I have a good feel for customer sticking points. It’s why everybody in support’s job is to act as a customer advocate...
Verify, Copy and Purge Store Tasks
You have protection plans running, the check-up report configured, and your backup configuration is being stored in a safe location in...
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