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DATASTOR was the only backup software we found on the market that provided us the backup solution for our diverse environment...


— Steve Borecky, St. Vrain Valley School District


Restores that took 6 hours with tape, now take just 5 minutes!


— Nathan Belcher, FirstOnSite Restoration L.P.


We have much less media to manage and it’s much easier. The expense and management of going from 28 tapes to 2 cartridges a year is significant.


— Jesse Kaisner, Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center


DATASTOR offered the only solution that met our needs, and it also fits our budget.


— Barry Coleman, Trinity Independent School District

I sleep better at night. I can just check the backup off my list and I’m really satisfied with that.


— Amos Terry, Infrastructure Manager, IT, Rimkus Consulting Group, Inc.

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