Longmont, Colorado
The Challenge: SVVSD needed a reliable, easy-to-use backup to be used district-wide for its 45 schools, but they didn’t want a traditional tape-based backup because they felt the method was unreliable. Also, the volume of data needing to be protected required too much time and numerous tapes, and recurring costs for tape hardware and media costs were prohibitive. Of greatest concern was the potential loss of critical, irreplaceable student data such as test scores.
The Solution: The SVVSD Technology Service Department researched all their options and chose DATASTOR Shield™ because it lowers the storage capacity required to protect and retain digital information, while virtually eliminating the time, cost, and risk associated with a tape-based backup system.
The Results: SVVSD now has three months of daily recovery points efficiently stored on disk. After the initial backup, the entire school district is now centrally protected in a daily 15-minute backup window, and every recovery point in the system is now accessible via a secure administrative share.