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Trinity, Texas

The Challenge: This small school district’s tech department, consisting of just the director and one part-time network tech, needed to find a backup solution that they could afford on a small budget, one they could also find time to maintain. The outgoing technology coordinator’s last bit of advice was “you need to invest in a backup system.” He didn’t say a “new backup system” because there was not one in place! A non-functioning DLT drive was all that remained.

The Solution: Trinity ISD desperately needed a robust disk-to-disk-to-cloud backup solution for a reasonable price. After researching several options, the district decided to purchase the DATASTOR Shield EPS Manager appliance with their Fully Managed Hybrid Cloud Backup service. This simple solution, with its patented “de-dup at the source” software and excellent technical support, backs up and stores information from over a dozen servers spread over three school-district locations.


The Results: Instead of spending lots of valuable time implementing and maintaining a localized, labor-intensive, tape-based backup system, the director just receives a simple email report. Backups are scheduled to run after hours, without any interaction from TISD staff, saving time for other important projects that directly impact the nearly 200 staff members and over 1,200 students.

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